Hiraki Sawa
Born 1977 in Ishikawa, Japan. Lives and works in London
CV [English]

2001-2003 MFA Sculpture, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London
1997-2000 BA(hons) Fine Art, University of East London

CV [Japanese]


*solo exhibitions/screenings
04.15Terrain, Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
01.14Under the Box, Beyond the Bounds, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo Japan
10.13Lenticular, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, UK
04.12Lineament, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
03.12Hiraki Sawa: Videos, Museum Goch, Goch, Germany
06.10Hiraki Sawa – Carrousel, Musée du Temps and Musée National des Beaux-Arts de Besançon, Besançon, France
11.08Hiraki Sawa, Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, US
09.07Hiraki Sawa – Hako, Chisenhale Gallery, London, UK
06.06Hiraki Sawa – Six Good Reasons to Stay at Home, National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
11.05Hiraki Sawa, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, US
02.05Hammer Projects – Hiraki Sawa, UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, US
11.04Going Places Sitting Down, Hayward Gallery/Bloomberg Artist Commission for Waterloo Sunset, the Dan Graham Pavilion, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
11.03Dwelling, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, UK
07.03Hiraki Sawa, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK

2015:「Terrain」Project Fulfill Art Space、台北、台湾
2013:「Lenticular」Dundee Contemporary Arts、ダンディー、スコットランド
2010:「Hiraki Sawa: Carrousel」 Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archeologie, Musée de Temps、ブザンソン、フランス
2008:「Hiraki Sawa」Colby College Museum of Art、ウォータービル、アメリカ
2007:「Hiraki Sawa: Hako」Chisenhale Gallery、ロンドン、イギリス
2006:「Hiraki Sawa – Six Good Reasons To Stay At Home」National Museum of Victoria、メルボルン、オーストラリア
2005:「Hammer Projects – Hiraki Sawa」UCLA Hammer Museum、ロサンゼルス、アメリカ
2004:「Going places sitting down」Hayward Gallery、ロンドン、イギリス
2003:「Dwelling」Kettle’s Yard、ケンブリッジ
2003:「Hiraki Sawa」Ikon Gallery、バーミンガム、イギリス

* Group exhibitions/screenings
03.16:Roppongi Crossing ‘My Body, Your Voice’, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
09.13The 12th Biennale de Lyon, group show, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, France
01.13True Illusion, Illusory Truth, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
06.12Flight and the Artistic Imagination, Compton Verney Gallery, Warwickshire, UK
09.11Dark Matters, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, UK
03.11BYE BYE KITTY!!!, Japan Society, New York, US
05.10The Beauty of Distance: Songs of Survival in a Precarious Age, Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
12.09The 6th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia
03.08Artist File 2008, National Art Centre, Tokyo, Japan
10.0712th Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Centre pour l’Image Contemporaine, Geneva, Switzerland
10.06Dual realities, 4th Seoul International Media Art Biennale, Seoul Media City, Seoul, South Korea
09.05Art Circus: Jumping from the Ordinary, Yokohama Triennial, Yamashita Pier, Yokohama, Japan
09.05Thoughts of a Fish in the Deep Sea<, Valencia Biennial, Convent of the Carmen, Valencia, Spain
09.03C’est Arrivé Demain, 7ième Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, Musée d’Art, ​Contemporain, Lyon, France
11.02New Contemporaries 2002, Barbican Curve, London, UK

2013:「第12回リヨン・ビエンナーレ:Entre-temps… brusquement, et ensuite」リヨン、フランス
2010:「The beauty of distance: Songs of survival in a precarious age, Biennale of Sydney」シドニー、オーストラリア
2009:「The Sixth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art」Queensland Art Gallery、ブリスベン、オーストラリア
2008:「アーティスト・ファイル 2008-現代の作家たち」 国立新美術館、東京
2007:「12th Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement」Centre pour l’Image Contemporaine、ジュネーブ、スイス
2006:「Dual realities, 4th Seoul International Media Art Biennale」、Seoul Media City、ソウル、韓国
2005:「横浜トリエンナーレ 2005 アートサーカス[日常からの跳躍]」、山下埠頭 他、横浜 2005:「Thoughts of a fish in the deep sea: Valencia Biennial」、Convent of the Carmen、ヴァレンシア、スペイン
2003:「C’est arrivé demain」Lyon Biennial、Museum of Contemporary Art、リヨン、フランス

2010:Goto Award
2006:Decibel Award for Artists
2002:East International Award

*Public Collections
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
CAB, Burgos, Spain
Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Leon, Spain
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, US
The Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, US
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, US
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, US
Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan
UBS Art Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
Norton Family Collection, US
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

2006:Decibel Award for Artists
2002:East International Award

*Public Collections
Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
CAB, Burgos, Spain
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, USA
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, USA
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, Leon, Spain
Norton Family Collection、USA
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, USA
The Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, USA
UBS Art Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia